Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Philip Carr-Gomm

This is for Raspberry to show what a Druid spiritual leader is really like. His name is Philip Carr-Gomm the chosen chief of OBOD.


Moon Frog said...

I know what Raspberry means about 'King Arthur' being the kinda guy it would be interesting to have a cup of coffee with... but honestly, I'd much rather spend some time with Phillip Carr-Gomm. I think King Arthur would piss me off within seconds, but I would actually learn things from listening to Phillip CG.

Thanks for putting these up, Pan. I haven't seen that clip before.

Gnarf said...

**wipes forehead**

Whew! I was scared for a minute when I saw 'King Arthur' ..lol...thinking "Is this guy their leader? OMG!

I get what you mean about admiring him for what he does for the environment....

But the thing is..(I think anyway) he is obviously a damaged person (taking apart razor wire with his hands...living like a hermit etc...) I don't think you can really expect 'continuity' in his behavior....you know? He's just sorta in his own world...I think it would be a very broken, deluded person who would look up to him...

NOT that he isn't a nice guy..and NOT that he doesn't do good things...just...he's...how should I say??....obviously one sandwich short of a picnic....

Unfortunately ~ people like that exist in every religion...that's why no one can point fingers...really....everyone has the crazies ~ and I'm sure 'King Arthur' gets more press than Mr. Carr-Gomm ~ who is fantastic =)

that's just life, I suppose....

Just try and not make yourself crazy when people who are nuts...do crazy things...easier said than done =)

Thanks for posting this!

~ please remember...I have *NO IDEA* about anything Druid...so if you said 'King Arthur' was your leader...I would have believed it. Scary, no?
