Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Why am I a Druid

Why am I a Druid? What does it mean to me to be one? I am a Druid because even as I sit here typing one story up I can feel the earth calling me through my feet.

To be a Druid is to be connected to all that surrounds. The sunrise and set. Trees, plants, rocks, animals and people there is no separation. This is the biggest truth of Druidism we are all one.

To be a Druid is to hurt with those who hurt. Laugh with those who laugh. To be a Druid is to feel others injustice and try to put it right.

To be a Druid is to have a sense of your land and your place in it.

To be a Druid is to honour your ancestors recent and ancient

To be a Druid is to honour the Deities of your land.

The one thing I have not said is to be a Druid is to perform magic, to many Druids all the above is magic.

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